Why seniors should start practicing meditation

Practiced for thousands of years, meditation is the practice of training your mind to focus and is used for stress reduction and relaxation. Meditation has become increasingly popular as more health benefits are being discovered. It involves deep breathing to clear the mind and can also provide physiological benefits. Below is a list of 7 […]

Health benefits of social interaction

As we age, health complications and mobility issues can lead to isolation, making spending time with family and friends even more important and special. Social interactions can impact physical health, mental health, and mortality risk. Research studies have shown that seniors who socialize more experience better overall physical and emotional health. Isolation is one of […]

7 ways to promote a healthy heart

Heart disease is the #1 cause of death worldwide but 80% of these deaths are preventable by managing risk factors and changing your lifestyle. Heart disease is caused by the buildup of fatty plaque in your arteries, called atherosclerosis. As a result, blood cannot flow through the arteries to the organs as well, which can […]

Anti-inflammatory diet – an overview

Inflammation plays a role in the body’s healing process, however, it is also a significant risk factor for numerous health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and certain cancers. When inflammation happens, your body is protected from substances including infections and microbes by chemicals in white blood cells that enter the blood or tissues. […]

The importance of staying hydrated for seniors

Elderly Asian man drinking water from a glass.

More than 60% of the human body is water. Therefore, hydration is crucial to keep organs functioning properly, regulate body temperature, deliver nutrients to cells, prevent infections, and keep joints lubricated. Staying hydrated is even more important for seniors because several physiological changes occur, such as reduced body water content and increased fluid loss, as […]

The effect of sugar on the brain

sugar blocks

Your mental health and wellness can be negatively affected by sugar. Sugar decreases the production of serotonin, which is the hormone that is responsible for happiness, mood stabilization, and feelings of well-being. Insulin, which is considered to be the main anabolic hormone of the body, becomes less effective as more sugar is consumed. Since insulin […]

The best diets for a healthy heart

The leading cause of death worldwide is heart disease. Over the average lifetime, the heart beats around 2.5 billion times, pushing blood to every part of the body and whisking away the waste products of metabolism. A poor diet, lack of exercise, unlucky genes, smoking, and infection can cause the heart to fail. When it […]

Why calcium is especially important for seniors

Men between the ages of 51 and 70 should aim for 1,000 mg of calcium per day. The recommended amount of calcium that 51- to 70-year-old women and seniors aged 71 and older need is 1,200 mg. As we age, calcium levels in our bodies become depleted. This is because seniors tend to have smaller […]

Superfoods that you should know about

acai bowl with blueberries on the side

You may have heard the term “superfoods,” but what exactly are they? Superfoods are foods that contain a very high nutrient density. They contain high volumes of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which can reduce the risk of many diseases such as heart disease and certain cancers. Below, we will describe some of the most popular […]

The importance of Vitamin D for seniors

image showing foods that contribute to vitamin D

Seniors are more vulnerable to Vitamin D deficiency before they get less sunlight, Vitamin D synthesis becomes less efficient as we age, and the capacity of kidneys to convert Vitamin D into its most active form decreases. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 16% of seniors are affected by osteoporosis, which is […]