Safe and fun summer activities for seniors

As summer reaches its peak, so do the warm (often hot!) temperatures, and the opportunity for seniors to get outside more often. With the pandemic, it has been difficult for seniors to enjoy the last few summers. As restrictions lift, there are several safe and fun activities that seniors can enjoy this summer. 1. Swimming. […]

The benefits of gardening for seniors

Gardening is a great way for seniors to get outside, boost mental and physical health, and connect with nature. Since gardening engages all the senses, it encourages mindfulness. It is also a great way to exercise both the body and the brain. Below is a list of 5 benefits of gardening for seniors. 1. Vitamin […]

How seniors are impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic

The Omicron variant has more than 60 mutations, which are changes in the structure of a gene, on the spike protein that increase the binding strength of the virus, making it more infectious. During the COVID-19 pandemic, seniors have reported significantly fewer social in-person interactions and decreased social life, which has been associated with increased […]

Malnutrition in seniors

Malnutrition is a serious condition that develops due to a deficient intake of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. It can be caused by not consuming enough food or eating foods that do not provide adequate nutrition. Malnutrition contributes to a progressive decline in health, increased mortality, and reduced cognitive and physical functional status. According to […]

What is metabolism and why does it slow as you age?

Metabolism is the sum of chemical reactions that occur in living organisms. It is divided into catabolism, which involves breaking down large molecules into smaller ones, and anabolism, which involves combining small molecules into larger ones. Catabolic pathways provide energy while anabolic pathways consume energy. Not all metabolic pathways occurring in an organism occur in […]

What seniors should know about the COVID-19 vaccine

Elderly woman getting a vaccine.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that people, especially, seniors, get COVID-19 vaccines. They are safe, effective, and reduce your risk of severe illness. A vaccine is a substance that stimulates an immune response resulting in acquired immunity to a particular disease. Nearly 80% of the Canadian population is fully vaccinated against […]

The importance of staying hydrated for seniors

Elderly Asian man drinking water from a glass.

More than 60% of the human body is water. Therefore, hydration is crucial to keep organs functioning properly, regulate body temperature, deliver nutrients to cells, prevent infections, and keep joints lubricated. Staying hydrated is even more important for seniors because several physiological changes occur, such as reduced body water content and increased fluid loss, as […]

The science of aging

telomeres shrinking as we age

Development, generation time, lifespan, and lifestyle are affected by time-measuring devices, which all living organisms have. Aging is a mix of genetic and environmental factors. Exogenous factors, which come from outside the cell and endogenous factors, which come from inside the cell, are sources of cell damage. Exogenous factors include UV light, chemicals, and ionizing […]

Does my loved one need help at home?

As people age, many seniors will require some level of care and assistance. Admitting the need for assistance is difficult for people as they age. Many seniors like to remain independent for as long as possible, but when is it the time to get them care? If you have observed any, some, or all of […]

Driving tips for seniors

elderly couple driving

Driving Tips For Seniors 1. Get your vision and hearing tested regularly. These senses tend to decline as we age, so it is imperative to regularly get tested. 2. Avoid distractions when driving. Don’t eat and leave your phone on silent while driving. If it is urgent, pull into a safe area such as a […]