Services and equipment you need to care for your loved ones
Book Caregivers
Boom offers a wide range of caregiving services to support your home-care needs. You can conveniently select the services you require and Boom will offer you a selection of care professionals to choose from including vetted Personal Support Workers and Registered Nurses.
Order Prepared Meals
Get delicious home style meals delivered directly to your loved one's door—simply reheat and eat.
Rent or Purchase Equipment
Boom provides a curated, transparent, and simplified medical equipment offering that is easy to use and book.
Emergency Assistance
Concerned about your loved one being home on their own? Get a medical alert device that can be activated quickly for emergency assistance.
Get Accessible Transportation
When your loved one can no longer drive, rely on our caregiver to provide fully-escorted and accessible transportation.
Download the app
Manage your loved ones care from your mobile device