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How to maintain a healthy and happy lifestyle

It is crucial for seniors to take care of their bodies. Seniors are more likely to get sick and recover more slowly from injuries, illness, and infection.

Below is a list of tips to help you maintain a healthy and happy lifestyle.

1. Eat well. To boost your immune system to protect yourself against illness-causing bacteria and harmful viruses, try diets that are rich in lean meats, fruits, and vegetables. In addition, try to limit your consumption of foods that are high in sugar and fat because these can lower your immune system.

2. Get enough sleep. This can help improve memory formation and revitalize your immune system to prevent disease. A lack of adequate sleep can lead to depression, anxiety, increased risk of diabetes, weight issues, and cardiovascular disease.

3. Stay active. Regular physical activity boosts your metabolism and improves energy and memory. Strenuous physical activity is not required since low-impact exercises are effective as well.

4. Stay connected with family and friends. If it is too hard to gather in person, there are various apps such as FaceTime, Zoom, and Skype that can be used to stay connected virtually.

5. Schedule and attend annual physicals. This will enable your doctor to diagnose any problems early, which can prevent complications in the future.

6. Manage your stress. There are various exercises that can be performed to manage your stress. Some of these include deep breathing, making time for hobbies, and meditation.

7. Get vaccinations to fight infections.

The Boom Health app makes home care simple for seniors. Quickly find and book quality caregivers, personal care services, prepared meals, medical equipment, and transportation, all in one app. Find the app on the App Store or Google Play Store.

This article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice or diagnosis. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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